LS Performing Arts

LS Performing Arts


Art Class
Johor - Johor Bahru

Main Specializations: Speech Classes, Popular Singing Technique Training, and Art Classes

🟦 LS Speech (Ages 4-15)
Suitable for:
▶️ Individuals with poor pitch or unclear pronunciation
▶️ Introverted individuals lacking confidence in public speaking
▶️ Extroverted individuals with poor language organization skills
▶️ Those who lack good listening and speaking habits
▶️ Those needing improvement in etiquette and social manners

🟦 LS Vocal (Ages 6 and up)
Suitable for:
▶️ Individuals looking to improve their singing techniques
▶️ Those who struggle with high notes, high keys, or unstable mid-low notes
▶️ Those seeking to find vocal resonance and improve diction and pitch
▶️ Those wanting to learn and utilize different vocal registers
▶️ Those looking to alleviate stress and enjoy learning to sing

🟦 LS Artistry (Ages 3-12)
Utilizes multimedia teaching
▶️ Stimulates students' artistic expression and creativity through observation and experiences with real objects, images, language, stories, life events, and the natural environment. Encourages bold expression of intentional themes in daily life.
▶️ Emphasizes perceptual observation and prevents mere illustration and conceptualization.



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